The European Academy of Allergology and Clinical Immunology
The EAACI Allergy Diagnosis Interest Group

in collaboration with EAACI:
ENT Section
Immunology Section
Pediatrics Section
Allergen Immunotherapy Interest Group
Aerobiology and Pollution Interest Group

and IDI-IRCCS – Center for Clinical and Experimental Allergology, Rome, Italy
Allergome - Allergy Data Laboratories sc, Latina, Italy

Drug Allergy Interest Group
Food Allergy Interest Group
Functional Genomics and Proteomics Interest Group
Infections & Allergy Interest Group
Insect Venom Hypersensitivity Interest Group

organize the:

Rome, Italy – April 22-24, 2007

2nd  International Symposium on
Molecular Allergology

Allergens: from Identification to Therapy

…in the heart of the topic, in the heart of Rome