Entry date | October 18, 2004 18:10 +1GMT
| Last update | September 9, 2018 17:14 +1GMT
Allergome Code | 1830
Name | Gad c
Molecules, Epitopes | Gad c 1, Gad c 1.0101, Gad c APDH, Gad c Elastin
Sources | |
Links to Source Taxonomy | Gad c - 8053 - NCBI, Gad c - 8053 - UniProt, Gad c - Discover Life, Gad c - Wikipedia
Links to Source Images | Gadus callarias on Google images | Tissues | Muscle
Routes of Exposure | Ingestion
References | Biochemistry 2013: 20130225, Yip SK
2010: 20100215, Weber P
2007: 20070907, Soeria-Atmadja D
- 20070109, Untersmayr E
Immunochemistry / Allergenicity 2014: 20140210, Aberer W
2013: 20130927, Holzweber F
- 20130409, Kennedy JL
- 20130225, Yip SK
2012: 20120710, Kuehn A
2010: 20100722, Fremont S
- 20100215, Weber P
2008: 20081213, Commins SP
- 20080127, Lim DL
2007: 20070109, Untersmayr E
2005: 20050210, Untersmayr E
- 20050127, Untersmayr E
1992: 1992, Pascual C
Immune-mechanisms / Genetics 2012: 20120716, Chen TK
2011: 20110315, Vaughan K
Detection - Indoor Environment 2013: 20131116, Bertelsen RJ
2005: 20050603, Bang B
Detection - Source Extracts, Food Products, Drug Preparations 2014: 20140531, Kelso JM
2013: 20131112, Gendel SM
- 20130503, Ricci R
- 20130315, Zurzolo GA
- 20130225, Gendel SM
- 20130110, Siegel M
2012: 20121130, No Authors
2011: 20110917, Vassilopoulou E
2007: 20070326, Weber P
2006: 20060920, Shimoi T
Detection - Body Biodistribution 2007: 20070109, Untersmayr E
Epidemiology 2014: 20141106, Winberg A
- 20141006, Just J
- 20141002, Jarvenpaa J
- 20140909, Kamdar T
- 20140909, Gray CL
- 20140903, Soller L
- 20140829, Asai Y
- 20140811, Walia CL
- 20140811, Strinnholm A
- 20140804, Tosca MA
- 20140802, Fouladseresht H
- 20140730, Sun BQ
- 20140625, Armentia A
- 20140623, Bird JA
- 20140618, Worm M
- 20140616, Jansson SA
- 20140611, Ku SK
- 20140530, Amaral R
- 20140429, He Y
- 20140321, Chan CF
... complete Reference listing ->
Diagnosis 2014: 20141027, Ruiz-Garcia M
- 20141014, Sogut A
- 20140922, Fleming JT
- 20140916, Schoos AM
- 20140913, Bird JA
- 20140912, Colson D
- 20140909, Schulkes K
- 20140909, Gray CL
- 20140903, Sanchez-Borges M
- 20140901, Venkataraman D
- 20140901, Raith M
- 20140821, Choi JS
- 20140804, Tosca MA
- 20140728, Ludman S
- 20140628, Sharp MF
- 20140614, Carballeda-Sangiao N
- 20140614, Berni Canani R
- 20140603, Wada T
- 20140601, Caubet JC
- 20140530, Soares JB
... complete Reference listing ->
Immunotherapy 2011: 20111007, Meglio P
2007: 20070124, Patriarca G
Experimental Models 2012: 20120430, Srivastava KD
2010: 20100310, Pali-Scholl I
2008: 20081231, Lifrani A
- 20080605, Pali-Scholl I
2007: 20070910, Brunner R
- 20070117, Scholl I
Allergic Diseases in Animals 2012: 20120703, Belova S
- 20120201, Ishida R
2011: 20110615, Fujimura M
2010: 20100630, Kawarai S
2006: 20060310, Verlinden A
Review, Editorial, Report Citations, Other Resources 2014: 20141009, McGowan EC
- 20140811, Huerta Hernandez RE
- 20140730, Muraro A
- 20140704, Leonardi S
- 20140617, Balinska-Miskiewicz W
- 20140611, Wechsler JB
- 20140610, Rao Q
- 20140602, Zilberstein J
- 20140601, Koplin JJ
- 20140531, Kelso JM
- 20140527, Lee AJ
- 20140523, Guibas GV
- 20140514, Koeberl M
- 20140512, Nwaru BI
- 20140502, Allen KJ
- 20140428, Ho MH
- 20140416, McClain S
- 20140411, Kuehn A
- 20140404, Venter C
- 20140401, Feuille E
... complete Reference listing -> |