Entry date | September 24, 2002 12:00 +1GMT
| Last update | October 27, 2013 12:55 +1GMT
Allergome Code | 32
Name | Amb t 5
Previous Names | Amb t V
Common Names | Ra5G, Ragweed, Group 5
Biological Function | Unknown
Isoforms, Variants, Epitopes | Amb t 5.0101
Links to Molecule Sequences | Amb t 5.0101 - P10414 - UNIPROT
Links to Molecule Structure | Amb t 5 - 1BBG - PDB, Amb t 5 - 2BBG - PDB, Amb t 5 - 3BBG - PDB
Sources | |
Links to Source Taxonomy | Amb t - 36521 - ITIS, Amb t - 4214 - NCBI, Amb t - 4214 - UniProt, Amb t - Discover Life, Amb t - Wikipedia
Links to Source Images | Ambrosia trifida on Google images | Tissues | Pollen
Routes of Exposure | Inhalation
References | Biochemistry / Structure / Function 2013: 20130731, DallAntonia F
2012: 20120720, Santiago HC
2005: 20050108, Jenkins JA
2000: 2000, Soman KV
1998: 1998, Rafnar T
- 1998, Chapoval SP
1995: 1995, Zhu X
1992: 1992a, Metzler WJ
- 1992, Rafnar T
- 1992, Metzler WJ
1991: 1991, Ghosh B
1985: 1985, Roebber M
Molecular Biology 1998: 1998, Rafnar T
1992: 1992, Rafnar T
1991: 1991, Ghosh B
Immunochemistry / Allergenicity 1998: 1998, Rafnar T
1992: 1992, Rafnar T
1985: 1985, Roebber M
Immune-mechanisms / Genetics 1992: 1992, Goldstein R
1991: 1991a, Huang SK
1987: 1987, Coulter KM
1985: 1985, Roebber M
Experimental Model - Inhalant-induced Diseases 1998: 1998, Chapoval SP
1995: 1995, Zhu X
Review, Editorial, Report Citations, Other Resources 2013: 20130628, Hauser M
- 20130513, Dechamp C
- 20130410, Girodet B
2009: 20091126, Pomes A
2008: 20081003, Mohapatra SS
- 20080814, Lorenz AR
- 20080802, Pomes A
2006: 20060317, Verdino P
2005: 20051027, Wopfner N
2004: 20041031, Mohapatra SS
- 20041031, Chapman MD
- 20040930, Weber RW
- 20040930, Gadermaier G
- 20040803, von Boehmer H
2003: 2003, Weber RW
- 2003, Puc M
2002: 2002, Blumenthal MN
2001: 2001, Valenta R
- 2001, Stewart GA
- 2001, Rosch P
... complete Reference listing -> |