Entry date | November 17, 2002 17:07 +1GMT
| Last update | May 20, 2018 14:43 +1GMT
Allergome Code | 757
Name | Sus s 1 
Common Names | e222, PSA, Serum Albumin
Biological Function | Albumins
Links to Molecule Sequences | Sus s 1 - A2THZ2 - UNIPROT, Sus s 1 - F1RUN2 - UNIPROT, Sus s 1.0101 - P08835 - UNIPROT
Sources | |
Links to Source Taxonomy | Sus s - Discover Life, Sus s - 180722 - ITIS, Sus s - 9825 - NCBI, Sus s - 9825 - UniProt, Sus s - Wikipedia
Links to Source Images | Sus scrofa domestica on Google images | Tissues | Milk, Serum, Urine
Routes of Exposure | Ingestion, Inhalation
Epidemiology from Literature | | References | Biochemistry / Structure / Function 2007: 20070907, Soeria-Atmadja D
- 20070802, Vicente-Serrano J
2002: 20021218, Restani P
2001: 20011010, Montowska M
1998: 1998, Restani P
1997: 19970925, Restani P
- 1997, Hilger C
1996: 1996, Hilger C
1994: 1994, Spitzauer S
1988: 19881121, Weinstock J
1979: 19790629, Sakata S
Immunochemistry / Allergenicity 2009: 20090915, Hilger C
2007: 20070802, Vicente-Serrano J
2005: 20051227, Donnay C
- 20051221, Donnay C
2002: 20021218, Restani P
1998: 1998, Vrtala S
- 1998, Restani P
1997: 19970925, Restani P
- 1997, Hilger C
1996: 1996, Goubran Botros H
- 1996, Drouet M
1995: 1995, Wuthrich B
- 1995, Spitzauer S
1979: 19790629, Sakata S
Detection - Source Extracts, Food Products, Drug Preparations 1995: 1995, Spitzauer S
Diagnosis 2014: 20140830, Fischer J
- 20140812, Soemantri SP
2012: 20120412, Morisset M
2011: 20111212, Jin HJ
- 20110812, Nunez R
2009: 20090915, Hilger C
- 20090407, Tonnel AB
2008: 20080819, Pagan JA
2005: 20051227, Donnay C
- 20051221, Donnay C
2004: 20040409, Petrus M
2003: 2003, Orta M
2002: 2002, Hiller R
2000: 2000, Spiewak R
1997: 1997a, Asero R
- 19970925, Restani P
Review, Editorial, Report Citations, Other Resources 2014: 20141005, Konradsen JR
- 20140123, Tsabouri S
- 20140109, Diaz-Perales A
2013: 20130701, Chruszcz M
2011: 20110720, Borres MP
2010: 20101207, Fiocchi A
- 20100804, Sastre J
- 20100424, Fiocchi A
2009: 20090706, Restani P
- 20090416, Restani P
2003: 2003, Pilette C