Entry date | November 18, 2007 18:42 +1GMT
| Last update | April 2, 2018 06:40 +1GMT
Allergome Code | 3924
Name | Ani s 9
Common Names | SXP/RAL-2
Biological Function | SXP/RAL-2 Proteins
Isoforms, Variants, Epitopes | Ani s 9.0101
Links to Molecule Sequences | Ani s 9.0101 - B2XCP1 - UNIPROT
Sources | |
Links to Source Taxonomy | Ani s - 6269 - NCBI, Ani s - 6269 - UniProt, Ani s - Discover Life, Ani s - Wikipedia
Links to Source Images | Anisakis simplex on Google images | Tissues | Muscle
Routes of Exposure | Ingestion
Epidemiology from Literature | | References | Biochemistry / Structure / Function 2014: 20140903, Faeste CK
- 20140214, Rodriguez-Perez R
2012: 20120720, Santiago HC
2011: 20110406, Gonzalez-Diaz H
2008: 20080401, Rodriguez-Perez R
Molecular Biology 2008: 20080401, Rodriguez-Perez R
Immunochemistry / Allergenicity 2014: 20140903, Faeste CK
- 20140214, Rodriguez-Perez R
2008: 20080401, Rodriguez-Perez R
Diagnosis 2014: 20140214, Rodriguez-Perez R
2013: 20130702, Caballero ML
2012: 20121023, Iijima S
Experimental Model - Allergic Immune Response 2014: 20141010, Cho MK
Experimental Model - Inhalant-induced Diseases 2014: 20141010, Cho MK
Review, Editorial, Report Citations, Other Resources 2014: 20140307, Ubeira FM
- 20140304, Fitzsimmons CM
- 20140303, Baird FJ
2013: 20130906, Simons FE
- 20130902, Nieuwenhuizen NE
2012: 20121024, Pravettoni V
2011: 20111114, Daschner A
- 20111102, Hajeb P
- 20111010, La Grutta S
2009: 20090921, Nieuwenhuizen N
- 20090428, Lopata AL