Entry date | January 4, 2009 12:06 +1GMT
| Last update | March 17, 2018 08:16 +1GMT
Allergome Code | 5977
Name | Pru p 2
Common Names | Thaumatin, Thaumatin-like Protein, TLP
Biological Function | Thaumatins
Isoforms, Variants, Epitopes | Pru p 2.0101, Pru p 2.0201, Pru p 2.0301
Links to Molecule Sequences | Pru p 2 - B6CQT9 - UNIPROT, Pru p 2 - B6CQU1 - UNIPROT, Pru p 2 - G9CM54 - UNIPROT, Pru p 2 - M5VQU4 - UNIPROT, Pru p 2 - M5WTQ8 - UNIPROT, Pru p 2 - M5WV03 - UNIPROT, Pru p 2 - M5X697 - UNIPROT, Pru p 2 - M5XDA8 - UNIPROT, Pru p 2 - P83332 - UNIPROT, Pru p 2 - P83335 - UNIPROT, Pru p 2.0101 - B6CQT7 - UNIPROT, Pru p 2.0201 - B6CQT5 - UNIPROT, Pru p 2.0301 - B6CQT3 - UNIPROT
Sources | |
Links to Source Taxonomy | Pru p - Discover Life, Pru p - 24765 - ITIS, Pru p - 3760 - NCBI, Pru p - 3760 - UniProt, Pru p - Wikipedia
Links to Source Images | Prunus persica on Google images | Tissues | Fruit
Routes of Exposure | Ingestion
Epidemiology from Literature | | References | Biochemistry / Structure / Function 2014: 20140319, Gomez-Casado C
2013: 20131206, Hegde VL
- 20131004, Ashok Kumar HG
- 20130924, Ashok Kumar HG
2012: 20120912, Palacin A
- 20120828, Giraldo E
- 20120314, Sherif S
2011: 20110815, Sharma P
- 20110330, El-Kereamy A
- 20110304, Petre B
2010: 20101010, Dagar A
- 20100812, Palacin A
- 20100216, Nilo R
2008: 20081218, Botton A
- 20081118, Chen L
- 20081002, Ogundiwin EA
Molecular Biology 2012: 20120314, Sherif S
2010: 20100812, Palacin A
2008: 20081218, Botton A
- 20081118, Chen L
- 20081002, Ogundiwin EA
Immunochemistry / Allergenicity 2013: 20130828, Munoz-Garcia E
2012: 20120912, Palacin A
2010: 20100812, Palacin A
Detection - Source Extracts, Food Products, Drug Preparations 2012: 20120828, Giraldo E
2011: 20110426, Yang Z
2008: 20081218, Botton A
- 20081002, Ogundiwin EA
Detection - Source Tissues 2012: 20120314, Sherif S
Epidemiology 2012: 20120912, Palacin A
Diagnosis 2010: 20100812, Palacin A
Review, Editorial, Report Citations, Other Resources 2014: 20140617, Balinska-Miskiewicz W
- 20140317, Thomas WR
2013: 20131122, Wolbing F
- 20130420, Molassiotis A
2011: 20110627, Macchia D
- 20110404, Ballmer-Weber BK
- 20110317, Bienvenu J
2010: 20100521, Cingi S