Entry date | September 27, 2002 07:28 +1GMT
| Last update | June 10, 2022 16:38 +1GMT
Allergome Code | 694
Name | Ana c 2 
Common Names | a3077, a694, Ananain, Bromelain, CCD-bearing Protein (XF), Cysteine Protease, Food, k202
Biological Function | Proteases
Isoforms, Variants, Epitopes | Ana c 2.0101, Ana c 2.0101 (MUXF3)
Links to Molecule Sequences | Ana c 2 - F1KD58 - UNIPROT, Ana c 2 - F8UN02 - UNIPROT, Ana c 2 - L7UXZ2 - UNIPROT, Ana c 2 - O23799 - UNIPROT, Ana c 2 - O23800 - UNIPROT, Ana c 2 - O23801 - UNIPROT, Ana c 2 - O24641 - UNIPROT, Ana c 2 - O81084 - UNIPROT, Ana c 2 - O81085 - UNIPROT, Ana c 2 - P80884 - UNIPROT, Ana c 2 - Q7DNA3 - UNIPROT, Ana c 2 - S5VRY7 - UNIPROT, Ana c 2 - Wiki, Ana c 2.0101 - O23791 - UNIPROT
Sources | |
Links to Source Taxonomy | Ana c - 42335 - ITIS, Ana c - 4615 - NCBI, Ana c - 4615 - UniProt, Ana c - Discover Life, Ana c - Wikipedia
Links to Source Images | Ananas comosus on Google images | Tissues | Fruit, Stem
Routes of Exposure | Ingestion, Inhalation
Epidemiology from Literature | Cohort | Year | Country | Test | Subjects | Positive (%) | Bibliography | 4.1.5 - Heterologous Source Sensitized (IgE) | 2009 | Belgium | BPT | 20 | 10.000 | 20091121, Ebo DG
| 1.10 - Any allergy symptom, Diagnosed | 2010 | Belgium | IgE | 86 | 12.790 | 20101214, Gadisseur R
| 1.10 - Any allergy symptom, Diagnosed | 2010 | Italy | IgE | 16,408 | 2.450 | 20100301, Scala E
| 1.10 - Any allergy symptom, Diagnosed | 2011 | Spain | IgE | 1,018 | 13.550 | 20111011, Vidal C
| 1.2.1 - Asthma, Diagnosed (Adults) | 2012 | Sweden | IgE | 96 | 1.040 | 20120528, Patelis A
| 1.3 - Rhinitis, Diagnosed | 2013 | Brazil | IgE | 101 | 1.900 | 20130912, Lacerda Araujo LM
| 1.4 - Respiratory Symptoms, Diagnosed | 2002 | Italy | IgE | 1,831 | 23.000 | 2002, Mari A
| 1.5 - Atopic Dermatitis, Diagnosed | 2013 | Germany | IgE | 140 | 5.000 | 20130111, Ott H
| 1.5 - Atopic Dermatitis, Diagnosed | 2009 | Germany | IgE | 20 | 15.000 | 20091005, Ott H
| 1.8 - Fruit Allergy | 2012 | Spain | IgE | 212 | 10.000 | 20120912, Palacin A
| 1.9 - Pollen Allergy | 2012 | Spain | IgE | 117 | 5.000 | 20120912, Palacin A
| 10.1 - Normal Control | 2012 | Belgium | IgE | 27 | 0.000 | 20110223, De Knop KJ
| 10.1 - Normal Control | 2009 | Belgium | IgE | 26 | 0.000 | 20091121, Ebo DG
| 4.1.2 - Heterologous Source Sensitized (Symptoms, SPT) | 2011 | China | IgE | 100 | 0.000 | 20111214, Zheng YW
| 4.1.2 - Heterologous Source Sensitized (Symptoms, SPT) | 2010 | Spain | IgE | 31 | 29.030 | 20100812, Palacin A
| 4.1.3 - Heterologous Source Sensitized (SPT) | 1999 | Italy | IgE | 326 | 41.700 | 1999, Mari A
| 4.1.4 - Heterologous Source Sensitized (Symptoms, IgE) | 2009 | Belgium | IgE | 22 | 4.550 | 20091121, Ebo DG
| 4.1.4 - Heterologous Source Sensitized (Symptoms, IgE) | 2009 | France | IgE | 41 | 41.460 | 20090108, Guilloux L
| 4.1.5 - Heterologous Source Sensitized (IgE) | 2010 | Sweden | IgE | 150 | 8.660 | 20100212, Asarnoj A
| 4.1.7 - Heterologous Source Sensitized (Symptoms, SPT, IgE) | 2009 | Belgium | IgE | 37 | 5.405 | 20090826, Ebo DG
| ... complete "Epidemiology from Literature" listing -> |
| References | Biochemistry / Structure / Function 2013: 20130429, Foster ES
2012: 20120912, Palacin A
- 20120807, Young GJ
- 20120720, Santiago HC
- 20120405, Al-Ghouleh A
2011: 20111107, Pfiffner P
- 20110411, Kaulfuerst-Soboll H
2007: 20070913, Nieuwenhuizen NJ
2006: 20060620, Gupta P
2002: 2002, Fu TJ
2000: 2000a, van Ree R
- 20000412, Choi KH
- 2000, Hiemori M
1999: 1999, Zeleny R
- 1999, Mari A
1998: 1998, Wilson IB
1996: 1996, Garcia-Casado G
- 1996, Cambra O
1993: 1993, Tretter V
1991: 1991, Tretter V
... complete Reference listing ->
Immunochemistry / Allergenicity 2014: 20141003, Beitia JM
- 20140916, Richard C
- 20140214, Rodriguez-Perez R
- 20140210, Aberer W
2013: 20131220, Castro L
- 20130927, Holzweber F
- 20130614, Amoah AS
- 20130420, Palazzo P
- 20130125, Aranda A
2012: 20121228, Palacin A
- 20120912, Palacin A
- 20120425, Pasquariello MS
2011: 20111112, Kasera R
- 20110411, Kaulfuerst-Soboll H
- 20110401, Mertens M
2010: 20100722, Fremont S
- 20100706, Hino S
- 20100514, Mittermann I
2009: 20090420, Seppala U
2008: 20080802, Palacin A
... complete Reference listing ->
Immune-mechanisms / Genetics 2012: 20120405, Al-Ghouleh A
2009: 20090126, Secor ER Jr
Epidemiology 2013: 20130912, Lacerda Araujo LM
- 20130614, Amoah AS
- 20130420, Palazzo P
2012: 20121228, Palacin A
- 20120912, Palacin A
- 20120528, Patelis A
- 20120224, Rossi RE
2011: 20111214, Zheng YW
- 20111011, Vidal C
2010: 20100301, Scala E
2009: 20090826, Ebo DG
2007: 20070919, Raulf-Heimsoth M
2006: 20060512, Reuter A
2003: 2003, Mari A
2002: 2002, Mari A
2001: 2001a, Rossi RE
- 2001, Mari A
1999: 1999, Mari A
Diagnosis 2014: 20141114, Lambert C
- 20140921, Ward BJ
- 20140916, Richard C
- 20140718, Faber MA
- 20140609, Rentzos G
- 20140417, Micucci C
- 20140401, Armentia A
- 20140331, Rockmann H
- 20140324, Heaps A
- 20140210, Aberer W
2013: 20131209, Cabauatan CR
- 20131206, Seyfarth F
- 20131028, Lupinek C
- 20130927, Holzweber F
- 20130927, Borghesan F
- 20130819, Bansal AS
- 20130729, Passalacqua G
- 20130401, Roncati L
- 20130318, Foetisch K
- 20130204, De Swert L
... complete Reference listing ->
Experimental Model - Allergic Immune Response 2014: 20140325, Hara K
- 20140101, Secor ER Jr
2012: 20120404, Cunningham PT
2007: 20071224, Sokol CL
2006: 20060628, Suzuki M
2005: 20051223, Jin C
Experimental Model - Inhalant-induced Diseases 2014: 20140325, Hara K
2012: 20120404, Cunningham PT
2006: 20060628, Suzuki M
Review, Editorial, Report Citations, Other Resources 2014: 20141128, Commins SP
- 20140919, Unsworth DJ
- 20140911, Sun-Waterhouse D
- 20140821, Arshad ZI
2013: 20131004, Canonica GW
- 20130807, Douladiris N
- 20130529, Baur X
- 20130420, Molassiotis A
- 20130323, Ciardiello MA
2012: 20121018, Treudler R
- 20120111, Treudler R
2011: 20110629, Porter PC
- 20110627, Macchia D
- 20110212, Moneret-Vautrin DA
2010: 20101206, Herman EM
- 20101022, Rueff F
- 20100610, Quirce S
- 20100604, De Knop KJ
2009: 20091224, Commins S
- 20091009, Commins SP
... complete Reference listing -> |