Entry date | August 19, 2011 00:37 +1GMT
| Last update | September 1, 2019 12:50 +1GMT
Allergome Code | 9618
Name | Nic t Osmotin
Common Names | Osmotin, Thaumatin, Thaumatin-like Protein, TLP
Biological Function | Thaumatins
Links to Molecule Sequences | Nic t Osmotin - P14170 - UNIPROT
Sources | |
Links to Source Taxonomy | Nic t - Discover Life, Nic t - 30568 - ITIS, Nic t - 4097 - NCBI, Nic t - 4097 - UniProt, Nic t - Wikipedia
Tissues | Leaf
Routes of Exposure | Inhalation
Epidemiology from Literature | | References | Biochemistry / Structure / Function 2014: 20141203, Sharma P
- 20140821, Sharma P
2013: 20131206, Hegde VL
- 20130125, Sharma P
2011: 20110815, Sharma P
Molecular Biology 2014: 20141203, Sharma P
2013: 20130125, Sharma P
2011: 20110815, Sharma P
Immunochemistry / Allergenicity 2014: 20141203, Sharma P
2013: 20130125, Sharma P
2011: 20110815, Sharma P
Experimental Model - Allergic Immune Response 2014: 20141203, Sharma P
- 20140821, Sharma P
Experimental Model - Inhalant-induced Diseases 2014: 20141203, Sharma P
- 20140821, Sharma P